Romancing SaGa En;gliSh

Beginning the another SaGa.

ゲン Gen

[ゲンだ、気楽にいこう]ゲン [I'm Gen, Put 'Er There] Gen


Hey. Name's Gen. Take a seat. Go on. Take a load off. Don't worry, everything works out in the end.


[剣豪源二郎信繁]ゲン [Swordsman Nobushige Genjiro] Gen


I spent all my time in Wakatu learning how to use a sword. In the end, I could wield it like it was an extension of my body. But none of my training made any difference against Trinity's weapons, and Wakatu was destroyed.


[おら、道場破りだぞ!]ゲン [I Challenge You All!] Gen


I'm here to show you clowns a real warrior. Is Asura in charge around here? Or is it that lobster? Not important, now that I'm here. Let's start things off by you getting me a drink.


[さぁ、撃ってみろよ!]ゲン [Try and Shoot Me!] Gen


Guns beat swords. It's as clear as rock beating scissors and water beating fire. Why are you hesitating? Relax. Even the best swordsman can't beat a gun. I'm ready. Come on, pull the trigger.


[魂鎮めの一振り]ゲン [A Soul-Soothing Swing] Gen

I lost friends, mentors, and family in the battle against Trinity. My sword was good for nothing. May this swing of my sword bring peace to the souls that linger here.


[お先に頂いてるぜ]ゲン [I'm Starting First] Gen

Hooray. I'm glad I don't get any strange looks for drinking during the day here. Not that I've ever cared what people think. Let's have a good time. First one to have fun wins!