Romancing SaGa En;gliSh

Beginning the another SaGa.

デューン Dune

[世界を救う決意]デューン [To Save the World] Dune


I didn't come from the Future World to escape doom. I came to join the fight to save the world. In every age, there are those who fight wicked gods. I will join them.



[時空を超えるぜ!]デューン [Through Time and Space!] Dune


I can feel it! Every cell in my body is rousing, tingling in anticipation. I knew I was destined to go through time and space. This power will push me forward.


[聖剣を手にして]デューン [Mystic Sword in Hand] Dune

I don't know if I'm qualified to hold a Mystic Sword... Eh, who cares?! I need the Mystic Sword to defeat Ragna. With this sword, I will save the world!


[ここが主役の見せ場だ]デューン [The Protagonist's Big Scene] Dune

Can't let you forget me. I'm the protagonist, you know. The supporting characters do their part to make things interesting, but at the end of the day, it's up to the star of the show. This is my time to shine!