Romancing SaGa En;gliSh

Beginning the another SaGa.

戦士 Warrior

[一発必中、愛月宙!]戦士 [One Shot, I Get You!] Warrior
Take my bullet, go ahead, try it out.
It's addictive, without a doubt.
A hole in your heart, can't you see?
Love's card, missing pieces, not complete.
Cart full of trash, can't even move.
Spicy mapo tofu, it's way too hot to prove!


[武器は己]A.J. [Weapon Is Myself] A.J.
このグローブで殴られたら痛そうに見えるだろう? でもね、本当に気を付けなきゃいけないのはこっち。足の方だから。
You just see get painful by smashed by my this grobe, isn't it? But you gotta really attention is here. My legs.

[大学散策]A.J. [College Walking] A.J.
あれ? お昼休みなのに、リラもタミーもいないのか。それならたまには一人で学内散歩にでも行きますか。ああ、風が気持ちいい♪
Huh? Now's breaking time, no there Rila nor Temmy? Then so, I'll gonna a school warking for alone around. Ah, wind is feel good♪

詩人 Minstrel

[神々の詩、人々の歌]詩人 [Poem of Gods, Song of Men] Minstrel


It is not the poems of gods but rather the words of the common people that ought to be sung in this land. Words flock to a soul that is at the mercy of an undeniable fate. Beautiful or foul, only truth can rouse the heart.


[リクエストに応えて]詩人 [Taking Requests] Minstrel

My repertoire is endless. I will hear any request. A tune for a friend, a song of joy, a melody of love, a nursery rhyme, a rousing battle song, and yes, that one, too.


[まだ生まれる前のこと]詩人 [Before Being Born] Minstrel
There were two gods, Marda and Saiva. Together, they created the world. However, they suddenly fell out with each other, and thus began the long, long battle of the gods.


[世界を導く魂]詩人 [A Guiding Soul] Minstrel
A new soul has descended upon Mardias. It shall set in motion the destiny of all--gods, men, and demons. I shall simply follow their journey. I shall speak of what needs to be spoken and keep silent otherwise.


[初夢を届けます]詩人 [First Dream of the Year] Minstrel


They say you'll find happiness if your first dream of the year is a good one. I say you can still be happy even if you have a nightmare. So, enjoy your first dream of the year!


[ジャムセッションです]詩人 [Jam Session] Minstrel

The wonderful thing about jam sessions is you get to touch the musicians' souls. Each soul lights a fire in my heart. It's been a blast. Tonight is shaping up to be a good one.


[この道に物語がある]詩人 [A Storied Road] Minstrel

Where there is a path, there is one who took it, and for each there is a story. The older the path, the more it knows. As this road leads west to a port that connects to the world, its stories are many.

ミルザ Mirsa

[銀の戦士ミルザ]ミルザ [The Silver-Clad Warrior] Mirsa


Under the guidance of the gods, I became a knight to walk the righteous path. There may be a few more rules, but the feeling of satisfaction I feel in my soul is tremendous.


[いざ道を開かん!]ミルザ [Open the Path!] Mirsa

Saruin's altar opens the path for those who believe in him. It is closed to me, but Elore has given me the power to open it. Evil awaits me ahead. I can only believe in my heart and go on.


[伝説の真の姿]ミルザ [Legendary Form] Mirsa


Evil gods, listen to the sound of my heart beat! The oath of a knight, compassion for the weak, and respect for all life... I must now abandon all these to show my true form. Thank you and good bye forever!


[決戦の前に]ミルザ [On the Eve of Battle] Mirsa


I have something to say to you all. Our greatest foe lies ahead, but I may not be able to help all of you. Thus, here I would like to express my gratitude and bid my farewell. Thank you. We shall meet again someday.


[すべての想いを背に]ミルザ [Bearing All Hopes] Mirsa
My friend Eugen, my parents, my brother who died young, the bandits I defeated, the dining hall lady, the runaway knights, the nomads, the sailors, the Minstrel, the town children, and Aldora, whom I sacrificed. I can but go forward.


[酒は飲まぬのだが]ミルザ [Oh, I Don't Drink] Mirsa


Today's a day worth celebrating, so drink to your heart's content! But forgive me for not drinking with you. Just being here with everyone is more than enough to lift my spirits.

ブルー Blue

[我が名はブルー]ブルー [My Name Is Blue] Blue


I left my hometown to study magic, a journey that continues to this day. With you, I might learn even more about spells. Why don't we travel together?


[赤は嫌いだ]ブルー [I Hate Red] Blue


The world's full of red things. I can't stand it! Red clothes and hair, especially. Red things on people are vile. And red-related names? Those are just the worst!


[宿命の魔術師]ブルー [Fated Mage] Blue


I have a twin. What was meant for one person was split two ways. Only one of us can become a perfect mage. And that one will be me.


[これで終わりだ]ブルー [This Ends Here] Blue


I've been on a long journey to kill Rouge. It all ends here. Once I kill him, I'll become a complete mage again and finally be able to return to the Magic Kingdom.


[新たな術のイメージ]ブルー [Imagery of a New Spell] Blue

When creating a new spell, you must begin by visualizing its effect. Make what you think into reality. That is magic.


[龍を舞わせてみせよう]ブルー [I’ll Make the Dragon Dance] Blue


This is no illusion. This dragon is a manifestation of my magic. As long as I harness my powers, I'll be able to make the dragon dance. But it is not easy. The spell will try to consume the caster at any moment. Now, dance!


[歴史ある世界で]ブルー [A World With History] Blue


I hear this area has long been a place where philosophy flourished. It may hold the key to a new spell. A simple stroll has now become an adventure in itself. It seems that coming here was a good choice.


[弓も悪くない]ブルー [Bows Aren't Too Bad] Blue

I used to think that there was nothing of value other than magic. I never thought that drawing a bow could bring the same state of mind as casting a spell. Concentrate, but be mindless. Aim at a single point. One step ahead of him... Ugh, I missed!

サルーイン Saruin

[復讐の刻を待つ]サルーイン [Waiting for Revenge] Saruin


The disgrace of being sealed away by a human, my hatred for Elore who orchestrated it all, and the emptiness of this place with nothing to destroy... The time of reckoning draws near.


[復活の舞台]サルーイン [Stage of My Resurrection] Saruin


I can scarcely contain myself. After a thousand years of slumber, the time for destruction is once again at hand. A grand feast and a precious sacrifice are needed, as befitting the stage of my resurrection.


[邪まな道はいずこにも]サルーイン [Evil Ways Everywhere] Saruin

My way has always been to unleash the power of destruction directly, but that seems to be a path that cannot be followed here. Then, I shall use my evil mind. Evil scheming is also part of who I am. Where there's a life, there's an evil way.


[オブシダンソードよ!]サルーイン [O Obsidian Sword!] Saruin

Release the evil aura! Shrivel the energy of the living. Scream in pain, despair at your own incompetence, and die regretting your foolishness in challenging a god.


[千年の刻を超えて]サルーイン [After a Thousand Years] Saruin
I did not expect it to take this long for my power to return. But the time has come at last. Let the heroes of Elore come here. With their blood, I shall fully heal the wound Mirsa has inflicted.

アルドラ Aldora



[生き抜くために]アルドラ [For Survival] Aldora


Is it a sin for an animal to kill and eat its prey? No, because it's for survival. Is it a sin for an animal to defend itself and harm others? Again, it's for survival. Humans and animals are the same, and I continue to survive in this way.


[捨て石でも構わない]アルドラ [Even If I'm Sacrificed] Aldora
The longer I hold out, the easier it will be for Mirsa to reach Saruin. I don't care what happens to the world. I fight only for Mirsa--for him to defeat Saruin.


[真剣勝負だ!]アルドラ [It's a Serious Match!] Aldora


I hate it when people don't take things seriously because it's a game. I detest those who make excuses afterward, saying they were just playing. To me, it's always a serious match. If you lose, I'll strip you of everything you have. Be prepared!


[ウチは重音部だ!]アルドラ [It's Heavy Music Club!] Aldora

What? Light music club? The Academy is no place for weaklings! Let the heavy sounds bellow down to the depths of hell! Scream from the depths of your soul! Let the evil god have this maiden's heart.