Romancing SaGa En;gliSh

Beginning the another SaGa.

ダーク Dark

[暗殺者ダーク]ダーク [Killer Dark] Dark
I am the rightful heir to the Assassins' Guild, which once spread fear across Kjaraht. None can escape my assassin skills. Whether king or leader of knights, to disobey me is to spell your death.

[俺の記憶]ダーク [My Memories] Dark
I remember days of rigorous training. I remember fleeing after stealing some pocket change. I also remember a man begging for his life. Oh, and that person. Whenever I think about that person, my chest aches in sorrow. Who was that noble soul?


[ギルドマスター]ダーク [Guild Master] Dark
The evil god's minions tried to operate under the name of the Assassins' Guild. I put a stop to their plans. As Guild Master, it is I who must maintain our honor. Assassins serve no one. Only the guild dominates us all.


[アサシンギルドの復活]ダーク [Reviving the Guild] Dark
I may be alone today, but in time, hundreds of assassins will follow me. When that day comes, the world will tremble. People will thank the Assassins' Guild as they make it through another day.