Romancing SaGa En;gliSh

Beginning the another SaGa.

時の君 Time Lord


[なぜ私の時を動かした]時の君 [Why Did You Turn My Clock On?] Time Lord


I studied Time Magic and mastered it. Then I stopped my time to endlessly savor that moment. But now, something is rapidly fading from within me. Something I'll never regain. So, let me ask you...


[時間を操る者]時の君 [Manipulator of Time] Time Lord

I can control time. I can make it go fast or slow, and in an ultimate expression of this power, I can stop it. What I cannot do is turn it back. Even if events seem to rewind, time goes forward still.


f:id:mario-4649:20220303210831p:plain[時間よ、止まれ]時の君 [Time, Stop!] Time Lord


Now, the audience's time almost stands still. During this time, endless sounds flow in and etch into their subconscious. Infinite emotions with every note I play. Only I can play time like this.