Romancing SaGa En;gliSh

Beginning the another SaGa.

ボクオーン Bokhohn


[大きな間違いを犯した]ボクオーン [You’ve Made a Huge Mistake] Bokhohn


To emerge so nonchalantly at this stage... You clearly lack any strategy. Let us begin, then. Your mistake will be your downfall!


[頼む、許してくれ!]ボクオーン [Please, Forgive Me!] Bokhohn


I am just a small fry. One look at me and that much should be obvious. So please, let me go.


[トナカイも意のままに]ボクオーン [Manipulating Reindeers] Bokhohn


Did you think I could only manipulate dolls and people? I can also manipulate animals, of course. I think I'll use this sleigh to drop some presents across Avalon!


[これも作戦だよ]ボクオーン [Another Stratagem] Bokhohn
Lying in ambush, were you? Gehehe, pathetic. I knew you'd be hiding here. It was all part of my plan. Surrender if you know what's good for you. Do so and I'll spare your lives.


[種も仕掛けもあります]ボクオーン [Tricks and Gadgets] Bokhohn

Igomahl's magic is not so much a magic spell as it is a manipulation of causality, which is forbidden, so to speak. My magic is a trick that's easy to understand if you look closely. But operating this thing isn't easy, you know. And that's magic.