Romancing SaGa En;gliSh

Beginning the another SaGa.

ウンディーネ Undine

[お願いがあるんだけど]ウンディーネ [I Have a Request] Undine


You seem like you're up to the task, so I have a request, if you'll listen. Of course, I'll give you something in return. Money, or perhaps I can teach you the Genbu Arts, which I'm quite good at. I could teach you other magic as well, if that interests you.


[玄武術なら任せて]ウンディーネ [Genbu Arts Specialist] Undine


The Genbu Arts control Water Spirits. I myself am a practitioner of Genbu, though I'm not as good as someone like Vassault. He got Vanguard off the ground, after all. One of the characteristics of Genbu is its balance between attack, defense and recovery.


[敵の名はボルカノ]ウンディーネ [Volcano Is the Enemy] Undine


You want to move Vanguard? I don't mind helping, but that'll be impossible right now with Volcano around. If only we could get him to leave Mahzoz...


[玄武術の伝統]ウンディーネ [Genbu Arts Customs] Undine


Water retains no constant shape, instead obeying the form of its vessel. Genbu Mages are no different in their obedience to their leaders. Vassault had no interest in the Sinistrals at first, but he could not ignore the Matriarch's solicitation for help. I have also been led by the Child of Destiny. It was as such 300 years ago, and now is no different.


[我が術に続け!]ウンディーネ [Follow My Spell!] Undine
My spell will take the initiative. Everyone, charge in when the enemy collapses. The power of Genbu magic is with you all. Fear not. Advance!


[教えの歓び]ウンディーネ [The Joy of Teaching] Undine


Volcano... That boy is absolutely brimming with talent. It feels as though coming across him was destiny, but I could very well be creating my greatest enemy.


[大人のリゾート]ウンディーネ [A Resrort for Adults] Undine
Yes, there are lots of things to do at the beach, but I'm not a child anymore. Relaxing at a Genbu magic-regulated temperature? Now, that's how adults enjoy the beach. Cheers!


[A Water Festival] Undine [火の祭りを水の祭りに]ウンディーネ
The highlight of this festival is fire. It illuminates the lanterns and makes them float into the night sky. But if we wrap water around the fire, we can turn it into a water festival where water sprinkles down onto the ground.