Romancing SaGa En;gliSh

Beginning the another SaGa.

フォルネウス Forneus

[海の支配者]フォルネウス [Ruler of the Sea] Forneus


Foolish humans... calling their pathetic little boats "warships" and fighting for rule over the ocean. You are merely crawling upon its surface. The true ocean spreads far below.


[深淵からの招待]フォルネウス [Invitation from the Abyss] Forneus


I invite you to my Undersea Palace, foolish humans. There are beautiful creatures, wonderful food, and fabulous treasures beyond imagination waiting for you. I, Forneus, Lord of the Sea, shall welcome you.



[魔海の主]フォルネウス [Lord of the Sea] Forneus


The sea in the Abyss is deep and fathomless, a mere nothingness. The sea of this world is small and dreadfully crowded, but how lively it is! I intend to explore the pleasures of this boisterous sea for now.


[深海からの旅立ち]フォルネウス [Deep Sea Departure] Forneus


Who said every journey must begin in a town? The world has many faces. A journey that starts and ends in the sea is just as valid. The choice is yours. Do not disappoint me.


[海の覇権は渡さぬ!]フォルネウス [Supremacy Remains Mine!] Forneus

I have fought many battles to assert my sovereignty over the sea, both in the Abyss and in this world. And now it is time to fight again. I am the Lord of the Sea. There is no avoiding battle!


[豊穣の海を手にすべし]フォルネウス [A Bountiful Sea to Own] Forneus

Now is not the time to slumber in the fathoms. This shallow sea is full of light and brimming with life. You are the ones worthy of serving me. Gather before my trident!


[見せてやるか、我が芸]フォルネウス [Witness My Art] Forneus

Showing off one's skills and adding a touch of color to a special occasion. It is a fine tradition. Now, witness the Sealord's secret art. This is no ordinary water trick. Can any of you best this dragon?