Romancing SaGa En;gliSh

Beginning the another SaGa.

プルミエール Premiere


[私の命を燃やす場所]プルミエール [Where I'll Spend My Days] Premiere


A nobleman's daughter is just a tool in his fight for power. I left because I didn't want that fate for myself. Even as I face evil Anima, my heart is filled with joy. This is where I'll spend my days.


[たまには羽を伸ばして]プルミエール [Time to Spread My Wings] Premiere


I feel a bit uneasy without my armor. But what's this sense of freedom? It feels like I've shed armor from not just my body, but my heart as well. I feel so light, like I have wings.


[武器のアニマを感じて]プルミエール [Feel the Weapon's Anima] Premiere


Feel the weapon's Anima as I move. Hold the weapon every day until I can move it as I feel it. Only daily training will strongly connect my weapon with my Anima.


[アニマを捕まえて]プルミエール [Catch the Anima] Premiere

A image that I caught someone's Anima. I don't want like the Anima which obey to easily, I can get the prey to better suited me this like. Though, want am I get whom Anima?

バートランド Bertrand

[魔王の落胤]バートランド [Archfiend's Illegitimate Son] Bertrand


Josephine's strength lies in her conviction that she needs someone and that someone needs her. If only I'd met them sooner... Maybe I could also...


[罪過を負う弟]バートランド [The Guilt-Bearing Brother] Bertrand


I've committed many sins and taken many lives. I don't deserve kindness, peace, or joy. I'll shun the sun, clothe myself in darkness, and give my life to the final battle.


[未来を生きる宿命]バートランド [Destined to Live] Bertrand

I lived only with the hope of bringing the world down with me. I've never thought about my future. I'm like a newborn now. Living day after day will be the trial for me.


[ジョーの痕跡を求めて]バートランド [Chasing for Jo's Trace] Bertrand

Archfiend putted on a trace arbitrary, and it makes chasing Jo to us. Now, disappeared its trace, we are no way. We've manipulating at Archfiend's palm, or is it a sign from Jo? In anyway, we have to do found Jo's trace.


[ゆっくりと時が流れる]バートランド [Time Goes Slowly] Bertrand

Under this tree is the perfect spot. The gentle breeze rustles the leaves. The sunlight flickers and my eyelids grow heavy. One moment you're reading a book, the next your sister wakes you up. Break's over, huh?

クィーン Queen

[人を滅ぼすモノ]クィーン [Destroyer of People] Queen
Creatures not even worth keeping as feed and fodder. That is what people are. They pollute the land, the water, the air. Destroying them will bring peace. It is my duty as queen to do so.


[腹が減った]リアルクイーン [I'm Hungry] Real Queen


I'm so hungry. I lay eggs. I lay and lay and lay and lay. Then I eat and eat and eat and eat. I lay and lay and lay and lay. I eat and eat and eat and eat. I'm so hungry.



[アバロンを食い尽くす]リアルクイーン [Devouring Avalon] Real Queen


It's finally time. My children, devour every corner of the vile Emperor's capital. Be thankful, Emperor. You get to be part of the future within our flesh and blood.


[卵を抱かせてやろう]リアルクィーン [Hugging You the Egg] Real Queen

Man, you have nice body. No holding come me. A protein, fat, and calcium: them become a energy for new life. No pain, so relax, because eggs are too millimeter. Your stomach will be eaten and rupture until it!


[産卵の時は終わった]ドレッドクイーン [Egg-Laying Has Ended] Dread Queen
A queen's job is to eat and have offspring. On that, she spends all her energy. But now I'm free from those tasks. As such, I'll show you another form. My true form.

アポロン Apollon

[あたらしきかみ]アポロン [A New God] Apollon


All I want is to spread the blessing of the MAGI across the world. I'm embarrassed that people call me a new god. If I really had the power of a god, this task would be easy.



[秘宝の解放]アポロン [The MAGI Unleashed] Apollon


When all the MAGI have been gathered, the power of the old gods will return. Behold! Now is the time for the birth of a real god, Apollon!


[死者を迎えに来たぞ]アポロン [Here for the Dead] Apollon
Come back to life, ye dead. Dress up and parade through the streets at night, frightening ladies and gentlemen. Cross the pumpkin patch and gather at the crumbling castle for a feast that never ends... until daybreak.


[力強く、そして美しく]アポロン [Power and Elegance] Apollon
The power of the locomotive is outdone by that of the embankment that supports it. But it is in its beauty and elegance that the builders' acumen is revealed. Beauty beyond power is also a theme of mine.



[翼を得し者]アポロン [The Winged One] Apollon


Wings are truly the mark of a god. They are the symbol of unfettered, ultimate freedom. They are the symbol of an absolute being peering down from above. At long last, I have surpassed you all!

バルテルミー Barthelemy


[捻じ曲げられた心にも]バルテルミー [A Twisted Heart, Yet...] Barthelemy


Polka and Liz... Keep your eye on those two. They are an important part of this. Why are they important? Because they are chess pieces. Important chess pieces.



[楽しみましょうか!]バルテルミー [Let's Have a Blast!] Barthelemy


Clowns are here for the entertainment of others. But I'm different. I'm a clown for my own enjoyment. Everything is a show for my sake. And now, the curtain opens!


[自分を取り戻すために]バルテルミー [To Reclaim Myself] Barthelemy

It's curious. The real me died when I learned the truth. This me was oblivious to it, hunting down Polka and Liz as a clown. As I face the truth, can I ever go back to being their father?



[いつまでも一緒に]バルテルミー [Together Forever] Barthelemy


I don't want you to be especially wealthy or famous. I just want you to be special to someone.


[お前の健やかな成長を]バルテルミー [Your Healthy Growth] Barthelemy
I just want you to grow up healthy. To have the energy and strength to do what you want to do. That's all you need to thrive. And one day, you will find someone special.


[いよいよ開演ですよ]バルテルミー [The Curtain Rises at Last] Barthelemy

Thank you for waiting, though it was I who waited. To think I would have to wait so long is one of the many mysteries of the world. But it is finally time. Let the curtain rise!


[紳士淑女の皆様!]バルテルミー [Ladies and Gentlemen!] Barthelemy

Did dears satisfaction of heart of heart in our members' show? Finally it was came a finale. I, head Barthelemy, will performance to everyone for a cruelty and beautiful show! Polka and Liz, cooperation do!

タチアナ Tatyana


[私はキャンディー]タチアナ [Call Me Candy] Tatyana


Heehee. Come on, take me somewhere. I'm, uh... Eclair. Oh, you've heard that name before? Then call me Bavarois. No, wait, Mille Feuille. Oh, call me anything you like!


[不幸なんて関係なーい]タチアナ [Not Unlucky At All] Tatyana


You must think I'm a child who has had an extremely unlucky lot in life. But I've had so much fun visiting all the places in the world. I've not only met all sorts of people, but I'm also lucky enough to have come to a world like this. Where I came from is not important at all.



[友達できるかな?]タチアナ [Will I Make Friends?] Tatyana


Gotcha! Come on, forget studying. Let's go play!


[シッカリつかまってね]タチアナ [Hold On Tight] Tatyana

I'm holding on tight to the floatie. You hold on tight to me. The night's only gonna get more fun from here. So, let's keep holding on as we go.


[お菓子の逆襲だぞー]タチアナ [Tricks of Treats] Tatyana


I don't want treats! I am all the treats! I am Sherbert, Mille Feuille, Candy, Crepe, Souffle, Bavarois, Eclair, and Tarte! Run before I eat you!


[名前はサンタよ]タチアナ [The Name's Santa] Tatyana


Well, I'm Santa. This bear is not a gift, so do not get me wrong. If you say something, give me a gift!


[さあ我が手に導かれよ]タチアナ [Allow Me to Guide You] Tatyana
Well now, hang on. We're about to travel far beyond time to antiquity. Teddy and I will guide you. No need to be afraid. Hold on tight, though.

スービエ Subier

[海は我がテリトリーだ]スービエ [The Sea Is My Domain] Subier


I can handle the sea myself. I do not need your interference.


[「海」の一文字だ!]スービエ [One Word: Sea!] Subier


So, you've given me a calligraphy brush. All right, I'll write one word to express my hope for the new year: Sea!



[怒りの一撃を受けよ!]スービエ [Feel My Rage!] Subier


You do not understand what this form means. No, I do not need you to. It's pointless to tell you what is in my heart. You only need to be crushed by all my rage!


[深き海の力をもって]スービエ [Power of the Deep Sea] Subier

The crushing pressure of tens of thousands of fathoms of water. That is my power. You are meant to be with the sea, not to exploit it. Become one with all that the sea is and it will be your strength.


[いよいよ俺の出番か]スービエ [Finally My Turn] Subier
I should say that I've been waiting for my turn, but frankly, I would've been better off without it. Nothing is as important to me as my promise to Wagnas. That's why I could have done without this.