Romancing SaGa En;gliSh

Beginning the another SaGa.

タチアナ Tatyana


[私はキャンディー]タチアナ [Call Me Candy] Tatyana


Heehee. Come on, take me somewhere. I'm, uh... Eclair. Oh, you've heard that name before? Then call me Bavarois. No, wait, Mille Feuille. Oh, call me anything you like!


[不幸なんて関係なーい]タチアナ [Not Unlucky At All] Tatyana


You must think I'm a child who has had an extremely unlucky lot in life. But I've had so much fun visiting all the places in the world. I've not only met all sorts of people, but I'm also lucky enough to have come to a world like this. Where I came from is not important at all.



[友達できるかな?]タチアナ [Will I Make Friends?] Tatyana


Gotcha! Come on, forget studying. Let's go play!


[シッカリつかまってね]タチアナ [Hold On Tight] Tatyana

I'm holding on tight to the floatie. You hold on tight to me. The night's only gonna get more fun from here. So, let's keep holding on as we go.


[お菓子の逆襲だぞー]タチアナ [Tricks of Treats] Tatyana


I don't want treats! I am all the treats! I am Sherbert, Mille Feuille, Candy, Crepe, Souffle, Bavarois, Eclair, and Tarte! Run before I eat you!


[名前はサンタよ]タチアナ [The Name's Santa] Tatyana


Well, I'm Santa. This bear is not a gift, so do not get me wrong. If you say something, give me a gift!


[さあ我が手に導かれよ]タチアナ [Allow Me to Guide You] Tatyana
Well now, hang on. We're about to travel far beyond time to antiquity. Teddy and I will guide you. No need to be afraid. Hold on tight, though.