Romancing SaGa En;gliSh

Beginning the another SaGa.

インペリアルガード(女) Imperial Guard(F)

[触れれば死を与えよう]ミネルバ [Come Near at Your Peril] Minerva


You confront me despite knowing I am Minerva of the Imperial Guard? You have pluck. Very well, then. I shall grant you the quick death you seem to desire.



[The Spear Is the Strongest] Minerva [槍は最強の武器だ]ミネルバ
Plant your spear on the ground and do a pole-vault kick! I bet you never imagined using it like this. There is no weapon more versatile than the spear. The spear is the strongest.


[勝利を約束します]ヴィクトリア [I Promise Victory] Victoria


The Imperial Guard is the mightiest unit. When we stand on the battlefield, whatever the foe, we must obtain victory, for that is both our duty and our pride.


[近衛府へようこそ]セレス [The Imperial Guard's Welcome] Ceres
Here's the Imperial Guard station. We gather here--including you, now. His Majesty chose you, so I don't doubt your skill. Let's do a welcome match: Try to stop this greatsword!