Romancing SaGa En;gliSh

Beginning the another SaGa.

詩人 Minstrel

[神々の詩、人々の歌]詩人 [Poem of Gods, Song of Men] Minstrel


It is not the poems of gods but rather the words of the common people that ought to be sung in this land. Words flock to a soul that is at the mercy of an undeniable fate. Beautiful or foul, only truth can rouse the heart.


[リクエストに応えて]詩人 [Taking Requests] Minstrel

My repertoire is endless. I will hear any request. A tune for a friend, a song of joy, a melody of love, a nursery rhyme, a rousing battle song, and yes, that one, too.


[まだ生まれる前のこと]詩人 [Before Being Born] Minstrel
There were two gods, Marda and Saiva. Together, they created the world. However, they suddenly fell out with each other, and thus began the long, long battle of the gods.


[世界を導く魂]詩人 [A Guiding Soul] Minstrel
A new soul has descended upon Mardias. It shall set in motion the destiny of all--gods, men, and demons. I shall simply follow their journey. I shall speak of what needs to be spoken and keep silent otherwise.


[初夢を届けます]詩人 [First Dream of the Year] Minstrel


They say you'll find happiness if your first dream of the year is a good one. I say you can still be happy even if you have a nightmare. So, enjoy your first dream of the year!


[ジャムセッションです]詩人 [Jam Session] Minstrel

The wonderful thing about jam sessions is you get to touch the musicians' souls. Each soul lights a fire in my heart. It's been a blast. Tonight is shaping up to be a good one.


[この道に物語がある]詩人 [A Storied Road] Minstrel

Where there is a path, there is one who took it, and for each there is a story. The older the path, the more it knows. As this road leads west to a port that connects to the world, its stories are many.