Romancing SaGa En;gliSh

Beginning the another SaGa.

スミレ Sumire


[まだ、いけるよね!]スミレ [Keep It Going!] Sumire


Quick Blade! Ninjutsu: Swallow Throw! Eeeh, we're not done yet! Don't whine at just this level. Master's way, way stricter than I am!


[プレゼント乱れ打ち!]スミレ [Present Barrage!] Sumire
Have this, and that, and this, too! Can you fully evade this whirlwind of gifts?! Take just one, and next year you'll have to do everything I tell you!


[高く舞い上がれ!]スミレ [Flying Higher!] Sumire

You just seem I've playing joy, but this is a training for ninja. A kite is using to how measure of wind, communication, and flying when the sky. But now, I'm doing it flying higher more than!


[カワイさイチバン!]スミレ [Cutest Girl!] Sumire
These Hikiyama floats are all so intense and exciting! Which one do you all like? What's that? I'm the cutest? Oh, stop it. Hahaha! I'm not the center of attention here. Thanks, though!

エレノア Eleanor

[私を頼ればいいのよ]エレノア [You Can Rely on Me] Eleanor

I take a bigger cut, naturally, but that's better than making a mistake, no? Research and intel gathering are vital to finding Quells, and I'm quite thorough about it. You rely too much on your talents, you know.


[援護してあげるよ!]エレノア [I'll Follow for You!] Eleanor

You will charging the vanguard because I don't want to breathing to demon's smell. In exchange, I'll follow you all might, you should fighting you want. Do not itch that little hurt because you are a young still recovers quickly it.

モニカ Monika


[モニカです、よろしく]モニカ [Hi There, I'm Monika] Monika


If there's any information I can provide, I'll tell you gladly. I don't know how much help I'll be, given many places are quite different 300 years later, but I'll do my best to assist you however possible.


[ロアーヌ侯の妹]モニカ [Sister of the Marquis] Monika


I want to help my brother, I want to help Loanne any way I can. I myself know how to use a sword. You can count on me.


[騎乗は晴れた日に]モニカ [Horse-Riding on a Sunny Day] Monika

Horse-riding should only be done in sunny daylight. In the dark, you are prone to accidents, and rain takes a lot of energy from the horse. I never want to ride my horse like that again.



[Nothing to Fear] Monika [恐れるものなどない]モニカ
Fear of death, loss, and the unknown. While I cannot escape these fears, I know they are but mere feelings, and there is nothing more I need to fear.


[思いのままに]モニカ [Free as a Bird] Monika


I rode like the wind that night. It gave me the strength to face my destiny. I feel I will never lose heart, no matter how difficult the daily battles I face, for my heart has sprouted wings and I can fly freely like a bird.


[皆さんへ感謝の気持ち]モニカ [I'm Grateful to Everyone] Monika


Today is the day to celebrate your great deeds. For this occasion, I chose a dress that I hope will convey my deep gratitude to you all.


[もう一度、世界の為に]モニカ [Once Again, for the World] Monika


Despair nearly crushed my heart when we faced Oblivion at the Abyss Gate. Sarah and the Young Boy supported me with the hopes of all creation. I now bear that hope. I can still fight.


[お兄様には秘密です]モニカ [Don't Tell My Brother] Monika


You've been very good again this year, so I've brought you a present. I can't stay long, though, as I have to hit all the other villages in Loanne as well!


[新たな旅立ちの前に]モニカ [A New Journey Begins] Monika


The day I left the palace of Loanne and left my brother... The feelings rush back to me. A great unease, but an even greater hope. I shall set out once more. Let's go together.


[たまには休息を]モニカ [Occasional Break] Monika
You must be so tired, day after day. Please, refresh yourself in the hot springs and eat some good food. Forget about the responsibilities you carry on your shoulders tonight.


[お兄様と遊びたい]モニカ [I Wanna Play With My Brother] Monika
I want my brother to push me on the swing, even if it's scary because he pushes too hard. I want to ride on the swing with him, too, even if it's scary because he pumps his legs too hard. It's more fun when I'm with my brother!

キドラントの町長 Kyrdlund's Mayor

[わたしが町長です]キドラントの町長 [I Am the Mayor] Kyrdlund's Mayor


Yes, I am the mayor. What can I do for you? Oh, it's you. Yeees, I remember you. As I recall, you're the one who went to Zweig to help me run an errand, aren't you? No? Then, you must be the one who ran the errand to Podorui. What? Wrong again?



[かわいいネズミだ]キドラントの町長 [What Cute Mice] Kyrdlund's Mayor


A monster's taken residence near town. We must offer a sacrifice. If only an adventurer would come and defeat it. Well, I suppose that's of no consequence to you cute mice.


[この穴の中です]キドラントの町長 [This Cave] Kyrdlund's Mayor

Yes, yes. It's an evil demon that demands sacrifice. Mm-hmm. He's got a lot of treasure in the back. Yes, yes. It's a small town, but we'll do our best to repay you. No, no. We'll never forget you.

にんげんおとこ Human Male

[高い所が大好きだ]にんげんおとこ [I Love Heights!] Human Male


People say only ____ and smoke like high places. But as you can see, I love heights. Whenever I hear someone talk about a tower, I get an irresistible urge to climb it.



[久しぶりに暴れるぜ!]にんげんおとこ [A Long-Awaited Rampage!] Human Male


Thirty years... Instant noodles only take 3 minutes, but I've waited 30 years! My mind and body have become weak, but now that I've been summoned, I'm going on a rampage thirty years in the making!


[やっぱりこれだぜ!]にんげんおとこ [This Is the One!] Human Male


There are so many weapons, each with its own use. Wipe out the small fry with this; deal a heavy blow to bosses with that. It's hard to decide which one is the best. But if I had to choose, this would have to be the one, right?


[どの武器を装備する?]にんげんおとこ [What to Equip?] Human Male
I've got the bazooka if there are lots of enemies. A bow for flying ones. There's my trusty katana and the chainsaw for you-know-who. Oh, I'll just take 'em all.


[連続発射だ!]にんげんおとこ [Continuous Fire!] Human Male
Handing out candy was too much trouble with all the people who wanted some, so I stuffed it into my bazooka for continuous candy fire! Come get your candy, everyone!


[新たな旅立ちを]にんげんおとこ [A New Journey] Human Male
That night, Dad went on his journey alone. Today, I am going on a journey of my own. I don't know if we'll ever meet again, but this is the first step to catching up with him.

詩人 Minstrel

[神々の詩、人々の歌]詩人 [Poem of Gods, Song of Men] Minstrel


It is not the poems of gods but rather the words of the common people that ought to be sung in this land. Words flock to a soul that is at the mercy of an undeniable fate. Beautiful or foul, only truth can rouse the heart.


[リクエストに応えて]詩人 [Taking Requests] Minstrel

My repertoire is endless. I will hear any request. A tune for a friend, a song of joy, a melody of love, a nursery rhyme, a rousing battle song, and yes, that one, too.


[世界を導く魂]詩人 [A Guiding Soul] Minstrel
A new soul has descended upon Mardias. It shall set in motion the destiny of all--gods, men, and demons. I shall simply follow their journey. I shall speak of what needs to be spoken and keep silent otherwise.


[初夢を届けます]詩人 [First Dream of the Year] Minstrel


They say you'll find happiness if your first dream of the year is a good one. I say you can still be happy even if you have a nightmare. So, enjoy your first dream of the year!


[ジャムセッションです]詩人 [Jam Session] Minstrel

The wonderful thing about jam sessions is you get to touch the musicians' souls. Each soul lights a fire in my heart. It's been a blast. Tonight is shaping up to be a good one.


[この道に物語がある]詩人 [A Storied Road] Minstrel

Where there is a path, there is one who took it, and for each there is a story. The older the path, the more it knows. As this road leads west to a port that connects to the world, its stories are many.

ハーディ Hardy

[戦いの秘訣]ハーディ [The Key to Battle] Hardy
Do you think battle requires military might? Wrong! 1. Sleep! 2. Food! 3. Energy! With these, you can get the most out of every fight. Did you sleep well last night? Have some food, then!


[烏賊は旨し]ハーディ [Scrumptious Squid] Hardy
A well-lived creature has umami taste! Squid is scrumptious, so it must be a master of life. Now, you should improve your umami. Eat the squid and learn from its taste, its life.


[武の巨人]ハーディ [Warring Colossus] Hardy
Life is fleeting. Once lost, it can never be regained. But here you are, putting your very life on the line. So, I shall stake mine as well. I shall fight with everything I have.